Confident kids are full of potential!

The ultimate guide for building a confident and self-assured child: Witty Tips and Whimsical Exercises!

1) Affirmations with a Twist: 2) Discovering Their Inner Superhero: 3) Applause! Applause!: 4) The Art of Gratitude: 5) Power of Positivity: Last words: Building a strong sense of self-worth in[…]

PSLE Prep Made Easy with

PSLE Prep Made Easy with Are you a Primary 5 or 6 student in Singapore looking to ace your PSLE English exams? has got you covered! Our comprehensive question[…]

Empower Your Kids: How Making This Change Can Help Build Confidence!

How Making This Change Can Help Boost Your Children’s Confidence “You learned that so quickly! You’re so smart!” “Wow, you scored so well on your test without even studying!” “You are[…]

Unlock Your Potential: Why Most Singaporean Students Can Benefit from a Growth Mindset

Why Most Singaporean Students Can Benefit from a Growth Mindset The concept of a growth mindset was popularized by the work of Stanford University researcher Dr Carol Dweck. Dweck’s research showed[…]